* I have to mop my floors by hand. Otherwise, I don't really believe the floor is clean. Besides, it's a great upper body workout and how else are you going to get the baseboards clean? Pffht.
* Same with the toilets. I have a toilet brush mostly to keep a certain shortling occupied while I clean the bathtub, then I reclean it, by hand, with comet and bleach.
* Comet just might be my favorite cleaning product of all time.
* Sponges are my least favorite. Stinky, smelly, slimy. Gag.
* I totally make my kids do chores.
* Thaddeus and Blayne switch over the laundry and are able to carry it upstairs
* Daniel knows where every piece of clothing in this house goes.
* Taylor is good at fetching hangers.
* Daniel and Blayne are also pretty good folders.
* Thaddeus would rather eat dirt than fold socks.
* Daniel and I fought over who got to vacuum the floors today. (I won)
* I like my house to smell like NOTHING. Forget florals, give me CLEAN.
* I can't handle any kind of moldy smelling anything. If I even suspect that something is going bad, I throw it out. Outside.
* I even clean my trash cans.
* The only other smell I really really like? Salons. As in, hair AND nail.
* Don't even think about leaving me a comment about the nature of OCD.