I bought pudding today. For Daniel… for after his surgery. I also bought yogurt. I never buy this stuff, but since he won’t be able to eat normal food for a couple of days, we had to prepare. I was going to get popsicles, but the store we were at only had the gross sugar free ones, and I ask you: what is the point of a popsicle without sugar? SUGAR IS WHAT MAKES THEM GLORIOUS.
In other news: We are just a few short weeks away from the release of the 1940 US Census, and there is a huge Community Project taking place right now to digitize the Census and make it available to everyone for free.
You can help the efforts by volunteering to index images, or you can sign up to become a 1940 US Census Blog Ambassador.
Oh, and if you become a Blog Ambassador, you are eligible to win amazing prizes, and bloggers of any size and genre are welcome. So sign up. Now. Click here.
PLUS, we have started a group Pinterest board, Vintage 1940’s that if really cute, or you can follow along on twitter via the hashtag #1940census.
That be all.