Luckily, I'm here to help.
I generally get first time moms the same thing. Not a pack of onesies, not cute little outfits. Nope. Been there, done that. Trust me, you'll get plenty of that stuff from everyone else (*cough*cough*grandmas*)
No, the things I think you need come from a special place. I like to call it the:
Holy Hell I Just Birthed a Baby, My Crotch is on Fire, Please, Please, Help Me Now List
And so, without further adieu, the things I think a first time mom most absolutely needs:
3. Nipple Cream
5. Maxi Pads - ginorm ones
Because if you've had an episiotomy like I've had an episiotomy, regular pads END in the middle of your stitches and rub them into oblivion, thereby causing a rather unpleasant burning/chafing/how much blood am I supposed to be losing anyways type of sensation that was entirely preventable had you just bought the right pads in the first place.
In fact, I suggest you skip the maxi pad aisle altogther and walk over to bladder control. Grab the supreme count, overnight, heavy, LONG pads. They rock hard core.
In fact, I suggest you skip the maxi pad aisle altogther and walk over to bladder control. Grab the supreme count, overnight, heavy, LONG pads. They rock hard core.

6. Stool Softener
I bet no one's told you about the first bowel movement post baby...
It's terrifying.

So, seasoned mothers, is there anything you would add to my list?