Meet {Puppy}

Puppy is Blayne's best friend. She goes everywhere with us. Puppy's best friend is silky. Likewise, silky goes everywhere.
But this is not about silky.{The Happy Trio}
One time we lost puppy. Never underestimate the power of a three year old. They are strong, and loud, and stubborn, and THREE. It was the worst 34.97893 hours of my life. We eventually found Puppy hiding under a pillow. I know I looked under that pillow at least 12 times.
Puppy is {Sneaky}

Puppy likes to hide. Sometimes we can't find her for a very long time.
(like 4 minutes) Most of the time she is hiding in plain sight. Puppy is the same color as the carpet,
almost, mostly on account of her intense disliking of baths.
Puppy is {Fashionista}

Puppy enjoys a good game of dress up. She especially likes you to tell her she's cute. Not pretty. Puppies are not pretty. They are only cute.
Puppy is {Celebrity}

Puppy is a celebrity. She has met Princesses. Princess Belle even smooched her after learning that Puppy had saved her smooches for her and her only
(and not that hussy Cinderella) Puppy is very discerning about whom she smooches. Boys are most definitely NOT ALLOWED TO SMOOCH.
Puppy is {Popular}

Puppy is invited to lots of events. And by invited I mean she is Blayne's
plus one. Because they are bestest friends forever and puppy "hafs to come!" with. They are a package deal.
Puppy {Earns Her Keep}

Puppy knows that it costs dollars to live comfortably these days. We make her work. She even had to sit and WATCH DadGuy build her castle in the sky. Can you even imagine?
Puppy is {Dancing Queen}

Puppy is an exceptional twirler. She also has great leaping abilities. When she moves it's like she's floating through air. Puppy doesn't complain when she gets dropped. Because sometimes dancing is like extreme sports and nobody likes to be partnered with a crybaby fussypants. Her motto is "if it's not spurting blood and no bones are sticking out, shut it." It's a very good motto on account of Puppy's lack of blood and bones.
Puppy is {Edumacated}
Puppy says "Roof" not woof, not ruff, and most definitely does not bark. "Roof" is what classy dogs say. And Puppy is Classy.
Puppy is {Out}
And by out I mean done. She asks that you not ask anything else of her today because she needs to nap. She bids you farewell. Roof.