February 23, 2008

Wild Things

Our open house was a bust. Not one person came to see the house. NOT. ONE. Not even a nosey neighbor.... hence, the house is still for sale. sigh. You know, I always here about these homes that sell in three hours? Why can't that be me? It's only been a week, I know, but come on, I need a good story like that. For purely blogiful purposes. (That's officially a word, just so you know. Say it with me now, Blogiful)

To pass the time during the uneventful open house, we went to the Wildlife World Zoo and looked at exotical animals and spent a boatload of money. (Seriously, that Zoo has the greatest money-making scheme in the world... Not only is it expensive to actually get in? They don't let you bring in food (and yes, we tried) so you had to buy theirs. $7.00 for a hot dog? Oh yes they did....

Anyhow, here's us looking at all the exotical animal attractions.

Ooh, Antelope.

More of those Sable Antelope guys....

Alligator Friend....

Did you know Alligators come in Albino? Cause they do.
(that's right, come here and be all edumacated and stuff.)

Me, Daniel, and Blayne on the SkyRide....
DadGuy and Tad were in front of us.
We left Taylor all by her lonesome on the ground with a stranger.
She was sleeping, we figured it was safe.

KIDDING! Gee, you really have no faith in my parenting skills do you?
She was perfectly safe, being loved on by Grandma B.

On top of all that, we managed to score some sweet farmer's tans. I'd take a picture, but it's too embarrassing..... What did YOU do today?

***and another thing. This post? is 199. Which means, you have about one day left to submit whatever incriminating questions you can think up.... this is, officially, your LAST WARNING.***