January 13, 2016

Weekly Update

  • I applied to UNM. They have a studio art program that I really want to take. It's nice to live in a town that has an actual campus, instead of trying to do online classes in the middle of nowhere. 
  • After this past weekend, I feel  like I can officially state, without any shadow of a doubt, that science fair projects are THE WORST. And I have banned all future group projects. Blayne's group STILL hasn't finished putting their board together... And it was due two days ago. So she will be heading to her friend's house after school today, and they better get it done. Also, there was far too much emotion surrounding these projects. Emotional breakdowns were the standard this last weekend. Emotional breakdowns = THE WORST. 
  • I found a stupid purse that I really, really want. it's not fancy or anything, but it's the exact purse that I have been searching for. It's a cross body travel bag that has zippers and pockets galore. I NEED this bag. But it costs a bit more than I currently have available. Ugh, budgets are dumb. 
  • I've started watching some little girls a few hours a week. They're super sweet and fun. 
  • We have our activity day planning meeting today. We're going to brainstorm all the fun/cool stuff we want to do this year, then Julie and I will have our planning meeting to decide whether or not we can do all the ideas. (Because I guarantee there will be at least 5 ideas that we just have to veto.)
  • Thaddeus has been passing the sacrament at church. It makes me feel so warm and fuzzy on the inside to watch him. He takes his job very seriously, and I love it. 
  • It's danged cold here. It was only 8 degrees when the kids left for school the other day. Plus, it was windy, so it was actually much colder. I don't even open the blinds in my house, because closed blinds help keep the cold out, and considering the age/draftiness of this house, we need all the help we can get. 
  • I've been a very good homemaker lately when it comes to dinner prep. I used my menu/grocery plan last time, and for REALS, it was glorious. I didn't have to think about anything, I knew I had all the ingredients on hand, and it was awesome. Even when the fridge got looking at little empty, I knew that I had everything I needed to make breakfast, lunch, and dinner. It was great! And considering I spent $250, and that that fed 6 people for 2 full weeks? I mean, COME ON! Why haven't I been utilizing my menu's the way I should? 
  • I've been working my way back to blonde. I think going from red to blonde is way harder than going brunette to blonde. And I'm going to blonde so that I can have fun colors again. I'm done with this conservative nonsense.