August 3, 2009

Monday Workout

The Bingham Diaries

I have to be honest, I have not had a good week. I've been slacking on the whole exercise daily/eat right thing, and I have FELT IT. Seriously. I feel like I was run over by a car. Or what I imagine it would feel like because I have no actual experience with something like that, but if I did, I'm pretty sure it would feel exactly the same.

On to more important things:

Results of Week One, Biggest Loser Throwdown











C'mon ladies, I know you can do better than that!

I also know that a few other people wanted to join in, which is awesome. The more the merrier. Leave a comment and let us know you're participating. Other rule type stuff can be found here.

Today is the day we're starting the CHALLENGE PORTION of the competition. Challenge for the week:


We all know how important sleep is to weight loss. Lack of sleep can cause overeating, and let's be honest, you don't eat a pan of brownies at 10 in the morning.

Sleeping is also important because it's your bodies time to re-energize. You may think you're functioning pretty well, but when you start getting that full 8 hours of rest every night, you'll see a definite increase in your energy levels.

So this week, I want you in bed by ten. I'm giving you a specific bedtime, because I think it will be easier for you if you don't have to make the decision about when an appropriate bedtime is. I know I have a problem getting into bed early enough to get the rest I need, so I'm thinking you do to.

Anyways, good job this week, but let's kick it into high gear.