January 22, 2009

A Five Year Old's Bedtime Prayer

Today's post is brought to you by my sister, Sarah. She's a mother to four great kids, and is married to a lawyer. She's a avid quilter and scrapbooker, and, well, she's my favorite person to mess with. (No really. She can never tell if I'm serious or not... tis' mucho awesome) Here she talks about her son, who is the same age as Thaddeus (They're BFF's)


(This is for real. I did not make this up. These are his exact words! Imagine these word said very slowly, with each vowel drawn out for at least a full two seconds. And imagine me, trying so hard not to laugh during my son's prayer.)

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank you for today. Please to help me not say poop and pee at dinner so my mom won't make me do sit-ups a lot. And thank you that we can go to the movie peter and watch a movie today. And thank you for the baby that's in my mom's stomach. Umm. But she's not pregnant yet, so please bless that she can have a baby in her tummy. And that's okay if it's a boy or a girl, Heavenly Father, because you can decide, if you want to…If it's a baby brother… or a baby sister…, because that's okay whichever one you choose. Because I would like a brother or a sister.

Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

After his prayer, this sweet boy flashes me the biggest grin ever, a mixture of happiness and pride. He confidently tells me: "I know Heavenly Father answers prayers and don't worry Mom, he will answer mine and you will get to have another baby soon."

Sheesh! We just got the boy a dog. Now he wants a baby too! I just can't win with him! Haha! And don't you love how he gives GOD permission to pick the sex of the baby? Well, I guess that's fair, considering that he, in his prayers at that time, picked the sex of the last baby we had. (a boy) Such a silly guy.